
Apprenticeship is the fastest way to get the biggest results in terms of your personal growth, consciousness, and skill.

~Brendan Lea

  • Live in training increases your focus, discipline, and personal power.
  • The amount of time spent training or contemplating will accelerate your growth well past normal limits.
  • You will be supported by others who are committed to the same work and reap the benefits of learning about and living powerful team principles and dynamics.
  • And much more.
  • The benefit you can get from participating in training like this is well beyond anything you will likely experience during your life.
  • Training as an apprentice is not easy.
  • You can be kicked out.
Domains of work:

I can operate with you as an apprentice in three major domains.

  • Cheng Hsin Martial Arts. The Art of Effortless Power.
  • The consciousness work.
  • A mix of both.
"Brendan has all the qualities I could ask for in a teacher, endless patience and compassion for me, the ability to identify and address my own particular challenges and learning blocks, as well as always demanding my greatest efforts. He teaches beyond mere content, and instead strives to steer his students toward transcending disempowering attitudes and beliefs. More than anything else, Brendan has taught me the most valuable lesson: that I must take full responsibility for my own growth."
Ethan Martin
Increasing Consciousness Group Leader. Homer, Alaska
I want to study as an Apprentice what do I do?

Contact me if you have an interest to become an apprentice. This will require a serious commitment on your part so opening a line of communication is necessary. To learn more about apprenticeship then click this link and visit the Cheng Hsin main website.