Flowing with life. Riding the wave.

Michael Shults

I am exploring flow. Many impulses and thoughts arise. Many are unimportant. Some are important. Some require deep consideration or action. Flow feels nice. But it’s not easy 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Brendan Lea

    Welcome to the forum, thank you for your contribution.
    Can you say more about what you mean when you say "flow?" What is that?


    • Michael Shults

      When a thought, an impulse or a sensation arises, I try to let it appear, attend to it, until it's gone.
      For me that is flow on a smaller scale. But on a larger scale, do I focus on the following, related thoughts, sensations, emotions and explore this domain, Or do I let go and move on to something else.
      Both the smaller and the larger are not easy for me.