What is communication?

Gaurav Kharb

When I ask that question, I am not really clear as to what I am asking. So what is communication?
I imagine it is verbalising a subjective form or an objective form, through the various distinctions made in those forms by me. But sometimes it seems I am “communicating with people without verbalising, for example in college I imagined I “communicated” with a girl, without talking, and it went on for years and It seemed to me we finally reached a mutual understanding, even though we have scarcely verbally talked to each other, it seemed to me like a subtle parallel world. So is that also communication or just my imagination? And so is all forms of non verbal communication not real (even relatively)? Does the word communication only denote verbal communication?
It just seems there is so much going on with the word communication, for me, so i feel confused to even bring the question up. Any clarification would be appreciated.
Thank you.

  • Matheus Pessoa

    Hi Gaurav.
    I will share my thoughts on Communication.
    What I see is that communication has no necessary form. You can use word, sounds, gestures (all forms of language) but not communicate anything. When I'm communicating i am reffering to something ( a object, an experience, idea, etc ) using something else, but i can use that ''something else'' with a purpose different from communication (could be survival, manipulation, getting what I want). For example, If i feel anger and I want to communicate that experience ( of anger ) to you, I could say ''I'm angry'', ''I'am feeling anger'', But if the purpose is not to communicate but to ''not look angry'', I would use words the same way but with another purpose.