What Is Personal Growth?

Personal growth is sought after by many people. Most often coming from a place of feeling lacking and broken in some way. In order to consider growth it is useful to clarify what it is. We should also avoid entertaining fantasies about growth and go for the real thing. This way we are guaranteed the best chance of success.

One thing to consider is the personal part. What is it exactly that we will be growing? In other words what is a person? Is the person the body? Where does the person itself exist? More importantly who are we? While we are at it, what are we? If we are going to grow we should know who and what we are working with.

Once we discover more clearly what a person is then we can consider growth. Not necessarily in that order. What is growth in this case? It appears that we want growth to be in the direction of more power, effectiveness, maturity, less excuses, new skills etc..

In my experience growing often shows up like less of what I consider to be me rather than more. I decide to drop being childish. Stop making excuses. Stop lying to myself. At the same time I start practicing keeping my integrity, being more honest with myself and others, and exercise principles like discipline and action now.

One problem with this work is the tendency to fall into the fantasy of spirituality or some kind of personal growth. People adopt belief systems and think that they will magically turn into transcendent human beings. The problem with this is that it’s a commitment to pretense rather than reality. If this is the case we should commit ourselves to being real about what we are doing. One powerful principle that will aid this process is honesty.

Honesty, by it’s nature, will uncover the truth of what is going on. What is also the case is honesty demands that we be honest with whatever is happening wether we like it or not. Then we have access to a more complete picture and perhaps are shown a doorway to real change. This is the beginning and after this point we must train ourselves to move toward growth, and continue to do so until it becomes a reality.

One good way to empower yourself is to get serious and attend a workshop. If you want to lear more about some of the events that I help facilitate please go here.

However, ultimately none of this is necessary and we will all die at some point. So a good question could be, how do we want to spend our time before that happens?

Much Love,

Brendan Lea

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